期待着一个燕姿 第一期就觉得那个尘埃可以 段奥娟来vocal颜值吊打所有 没有我姿我真的是不会看 只有尘埃打动我 但是后来都不行 长得也不行 没一个喜欢的 卧姿竟然cue到了我鱼的不想睡 还翻唱了好多卧姿新专辑的歌 跳舞的梵谷 天月黑夜月亮 漂浮群岛
a load of pretentious, incomprehensible twaddle. sort of a cross between first-semester screenwriting and a meandering architectural travelogue as Frances walks the streets admiring the real estate, chain-smoking, and giving away her fortune to park-bench vagrants and other assorted freaks and wackos. accompanied by so many shots of uneaten meals that the end credits include a “culinary stylist.” It’s good to see Michelle Pfeiffer in movies, but not in this one.